So here is little bit of backstory.

I(29M) been with my ex girlfriend(29F) for a year and quarter and everything was great at the beginning. The so called honeymoon phase was amazing and loving. Then the cracks were showing where she told me that prior dating to me- She was in 6 months relationship.

6 months relationship where she barely seen the guy. Like twice or thrice per month. Which is not enough.

Whilst she was still with him, she went on date with me. Which went really well and we were very compatible.

So technically she was with someone and went on date with me. Her mother even advised her to date me whilst she was with the other guy which would give her chance to choose the best one…

We split up and few weeks after she was with someone else. Which according to what she told me lasted only a month. When I broke NC with her last time… She was in relationship again with only 4 month window…

I know they are together for 6-7 months already. I still struggle to some degree to be honest. I have been told that she is very happy and doing very well.

I am just wondering if I am missing out and she could improve and I was the unlucky one whilst I was the one collecting pieces…

She was bringing so many things that bothered her in her previous Relationships with me. Which was sometimes very hurtful and I tried to my best to fix it… I was just not handling it right and for that I lost woman I loved 🙁 and I still love.

I am wondering if I was just little bit of help on her journey and I feel she never intended to stay with me long term…

1 comment
  1. So her mother, the role model, basicly told her to cheat. You were the emotional security, the rebound to that unhealthy women.

    Forgive yourself for letting yourself be that guy and be more respectful of yourself for the future. You will be alright. I promise.

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