My husband has been trying to quit his porn for a while now. It’s been a little over a week since he last used porn.
In the past, while he was still using porn, we explored the NSFW side of Reddit (posting and interacting a bit with people). I’m not a fan. It doesn’t turn me on in the slightest. I don’t like to see his attraction to other women. I also don’t feel attracted towards other men. And the fact that it’s all online just seems super pointless to me. It feels fake and just like porn.
My husband wants to try using Reddit together again. I know he won’t use it without me. He knows how I feel about it. He’s willing to not go through with it for my sake, because he says I’m more important to him, but I can’t help but feel like if I don’t accommodate to his fantasies or his wants, it can turn into an excuse to watch porn because he doesn’t have enough ‘stimulation’ or ‘variety’.
Have any other couples tried something similar to this? Is there any way I can try opening up more to the idea?
Thanks in advance for any insight.

  1. Is he just bored with vanilla sex? If that is the case, then I have some suggestions….

    Netflix: How to build a sex room
    Amazon: The good girl’s guide to kinky sex

    We watched these together and had some great conversations about some of the things. We bought some toys and our sex life is absolutely amazing now.

    Another one is []( you go through and answer some questions and then send him the link they give you for him to answer, then it shows you the things you matched on. This is another great conversation starter.

  2. Have you guys tried making a video of yourselves? You can be his personal porn star! ⭐️
    Also I recommend this to everyone for every reason but toys, toys, toys! It sounds like he is very visually stimulated (I think most men are) so watching you enjoy yourself sexually could be super enjoyable for him!

  3. There is no ways to turn around this issue, he has to stop ou that’s all, don’t listen to people that tell you that you could be his por* star that’s just weird, if he doesn’t stop he will never enjoy real sex

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