My girlfriend loves the idea of anal sex but whenever we try it she goes into a panic attack. She says she feels like she can’t breathe and that the room feels like it’s closing in on her. She’s fine to use plugs and toys and we always use excessive amounts of lube but the second it’s me (fingers or otherwise) she starts to panic. I always do my best to keep her calm and focused on her breathing. I always remind her that we can stop at anytime and she tells me any time she’s uncomfortable but every time since the first time we tried she just falls apart. It really upsets her because she always tells me that she wants it and she feels ashamed that she can’t despite me telling her that it’s okay and that it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Can anyone offer some tips or advice on how to keep her calm and collected? She spoke to some friends of hers and they even said it happens to them so I assume it’s more common than I think. Anything helps. Thanks

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