I’ve never dated, I want to.
I’m hoping it would feel a void of loneliness.
I have a good job, a good career, and I’m doing well.
I’m corky and odd and not the bulkiest guy.

My question is, is dating worth it, or should I just talk to someone professional about how I feel?

Just curious, thanks!

  1. People are gonna come ITT saying “No” even though thousands of people talk every day about how their S/O completes their life or that they couldn’t live without them, and the fact that dating/sex are present in pretty much every facet of life.

    It’s not wrong to want a partner, but if you feel your mental state being negatively affected by your lack of a partner then I’d say talk to someone professional. Give dating a try, too. You never know what’s gonna happen.

  2. It seems like you have some underlying confidence issues going on. Work on those and learn to love yourself before committing to a relationship. No one wants additional baggage

  3. Do both, looking externally for validation or to fill a void my be harmful to your self esteem. As long as ur confident in yourself and have fun with it. Don’t take urself too seriously. Dating can be fun.

  4. Nope. I genuinely hate being in a relationship. I feel happier having my freedom and independence. I have many friends and I’m close to my family. I’ve had many different types of relationships but in all honesty, I sometimes just don’t want to care about their every need, spending time sometimes all the time together, having to keep up convos or texts, being accused of dumb shit, not being able to fuck off for a few days and literally lounge in my pjs eating wicked food and watching movies etc etc. honestly, I feel smothered usually. I’m wonderful at friendships and family because I’m able to put distance and recharge my social batteries without needing to worry about another persons feelings and neediness. I don’t like that I have to look to an intense future, I’m better able to live in the moment. I’ve been married for 12 years and I’ve had 2 month relationships and everything in between. I love living alone and not being pinned down. I felt more lonely IN a relationship than being out of them. When I need fun times, emotional support, love, tenderness or just anything, I get that from those I love and love me. And it’s not a bf or gf 🤷🏼‍♀️ some people thrive in them as opposed to not, I’m just not it. I don’t judge those who do, some live and breathe for their SO and I love them either way.

    ETA: sorry I went on a tangent a bit, but what I’m saying essentially is, that you shouldn’t rely on a relationship to fill a void, sometimes they can make you feel worse. Try to become an asset so you don’t waste their time either or overwhelm them, which is easy to do. Lol good luck!!

  5. if talking to a professional is an option go do it! why should it be dating or therapy lol both is so much better

  6. I think the best thing is would be trying both simultaneously. A good relationship can help, a bad one can escalate all of your issues. Really anybody can become a victim of a of abuse and toxicity, because it involves a lot of manipulation, but any sort of vulnerability does make you an easier target. And feeling lonely and seeking to “fill the void” is definitely a vulnerability, especially in the current dating climate, which can be a real hellscape and can actually end up damaging you, if you allow it. So the support of a professional in this situation could be really valuable.

  7. I’ll be flat out honest. Dating does bring a level of excitement and emotions. But if you try to use it to fill the void completely, you’ll be stuck wanting. Maybe seek therapy a little, make sure you’re emotionally, physically, and mentally ready for a relationship before trying anything. Diving headfirst is exhilarating but it can lead to disaster

  8. The right relationship will make life better, make you happier and bring good times.

    The wrong relationship will make life worse and make you unhappier.

  9. Well, when you’re dating/in a relationship and you’re in love it does make you feel happy. It’s a warm and fuzzy feeling which is quite addictive. But after a while that will go away for most people. Then it becomes something else.

    When it’s love within a happy relationship it’s still a nice and happy feeling. Love within a bad or toxic relationship not so much.
    Sometimes dating is worth it, sometimes not so much. Even though the dates may suck they may still give you tools and info on what you don’t want and need. You can use them as an example for yourself or to tell the other person about what you’re not looking for.

    You can always talk to a therapist about how you feel. That’s never a bad idea! And don’t worry, a lot of us women don’t like the bulkiest guys 😉
    Sending you love, 30F.

  10. Like the meme says – Well, yes, but actually no.

    It’s a rush and a high in the beginning, so it can make you forget the issues you’ve had as a single person, but they will inevitably bubble up to the top again at some point and from there on out, everything is absolutely the same in your head except you have someone to kiss and hug and be your special friend. This is AMAZING if you have your act together and the other person does and HELL if one or both of you do not.

    When you are in a relationship, it’s not just you anymore, so you lose a part od the freedom you didn’t even realize you’ve had before, all your actions have an effect on your significant other and you have to consider that.

    And you know what intensifies things even further? Having kids. So it’s really beyond me how some people who are completely dysfunctional as a couple think kids will improve things rather than make them 10x more challenging.

  11. Heartbreak can wreck your mental state completely. I’d suggest going to therapy and only some casual dating.

  12. Yeah, I don’t know what it is but when I’m walking with a girl down the road it’s like one of the best feeling in the world. Maybe it’s because I was lonely for so long when I was a teenager, but for sure it feels great.

  13. I feel like dating and relationships fix some issues and creates others. Like you’re no longer alone but now they’re a consideration in everything you do. Not only do you lose the freedom you once had, a relationship can bring insecurities to the forefront that you may have not realized you had.

    Basically, don’t go into a relationship thinking it will fix you, since it likely won’t. Therapy is likely the only thing that can really do that. If you’re not careful, a relationship can actually leave you more damaged than when you started. However, the benefits of finding the right partner are absolutely worth it.

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