What’s the littlest thing that brings you so much joy it confuses others?

  1. Accelerating with full throttle up to the speed limit. The act of just feeling my car push my body into the seat for a second or two and hearing the engine roar is fun. Even if its just for a second or two whenever its safe to do so.

  2. Flowers. Each one means something and putting certain ones together is like writing a whole poem just depends on the message you are trying to send.

  3. Shelf liner.

    Not even really joy, more like a compulsion lol I cannot physically allow myself or anyone I love to unpack their kitchen or bathrooms until their shelves and drawers are properly lined. It made my MIL so mad and I almost wish I could fight it!

  4. I have quite a lot of dinosaur figurines. Not enough though.

    …actually, this is a shitty answer, because I don’t think other people are confused by this at all.

  5. Im the poster child for loving things and no one understands or cares about.

    I love stationary, the kind that is designed to fit into a handbag or is very smartly designed.

    I love getting my art or photos proffesionaly framed, it brings my heart so much joy.

    I seem to not be able to stop planting flowers and buying succulents.

    I bought a badge maker and make badges with random things on and give it to people.

  6. Flowers, apparently. I guess it’s the cool thing to say they’re a waste of money but I seriously love receiving them and having them in my home.

  7. colors. Sucker for colors. Related – holiday lights. Not the white ones – the colorful ones

  8. Extra adorable things…example; was at a zoo and they had a wombat. I squealed and tip toe ran over like a damn toddler.

  9. Silence.

    I am a bubbly and extroverted person and can be very talkative in groups. People tease me about it lol. I don’t think they realize how much I love and crave silence.

  10. Growing things.

    It doesn’t matter if it’s flowers in my garden, fruit from our trees or just a new leaf on a potted plant. It makes me so happy! My bf probably doesn’t care but he always comes and looks when I excitedly point out a change in a plant.

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