Why do people assume tall guys are very strong?

  1. I mean they are, on a ceteris paribus landscape

    But just straight up seeing tall and thinking strong… people are dumb

  2. they do? i don’t assume that. i assume strength when i see people with muscular bodies, not height.

    a lot of strong dudes are average height. sly stallone for instance. and some weightlifters are quite short.

  3. I didn’t know anyone assumed this. If they’re tall and big maybe, but that’s assumed because they’re big.

  4. Recently had a co-worker amazed at how strong I am.

    Im 5’7″.

    Meanwhile, the bean pole can’t lift half of what I do.

  5. Personal experience for me. I’m only 6ft tall. And my muscles are mainly for decoration. My friend is really skinny and tall…stonger than i thought. That’s why i think tall guys are stronger. He is

  6. Bears think things above them are a threat. Even if they’re not stronger. I think it’s primal.

  7. I see this all the time. I know a guy that looks like the frontman from the cars, and everybody thinks he’s a big macho guy, but he’s lanky as hell under that coat.

  8. because leverage

    I’m tall and not particularly swole but can move and lift a lot of heavy things because I know how to use my body and leverage effectively. my job is semi-blue collar and involves some moving of heavy objects so I sort of know how the physics of it all works.

  9. >Why do people assume tall guys are very strong?

    Height is associated with increased weight, and increased weight is associated with greater absolute strength. The bigger you are, the easier it is to lift and push more weight around.

    A 5 ft 2 110 pound man is going to be weaker (absolute wise) than a 6 ft 2 210 pound man, simply because the 210 pound man is way bigger, so he can handle a lot more weight.

    On the other hand, it’s possible that a lighter man is stronger than a heavier man, but only if the weight difference between the two isn’t so great. A well trained 150 pound man, might be stronger compared to someone who weighs 180 and is untrained, for example.

  10. Maybe because even if you’re skinny and tall you still have more overall muscle than a short person?

  11. Because they look strong I guess. Upside of being short is not being asked to do heavy lifting (or atleast, from anyone who isn’t in my family).

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