I’ve(32f) been in a relationship with my bf(30m) for closer to three years now. We were long distance for the first 1,5 years and saw each other about once a month. I’ve moved closed since because I got accepted to a school that is a little closer to him. We still see each other 1-2 times per month. We have spent many holidays together and it’s been wonderful to get to know him and his family, and he mine.

We have since the beginning had an amazing sexual chemistry and I’ve been a modestly sexual person before I met him too. I was on Wellbutrin(anti depression drug) at the time. He has a specific kink that he shared with me early on. I was a little insecure about it in the beginning but he was good at not pressuring me and now we both enjoy it and indulge in it from time to time. He made me feel safe. We also have regular vanilla sex which is quite passionate and enjoyable. It was all so great.

Then we spent this summer together, we’re around each other a lot for several weeks. At some point my libido dropped and it’s been low ever since. I still get aroused by enough touch, kissing and stuff but I don’t get that spontaneous desire like I used to. I know the sex frequency normally drops a little as the relationship progresses. But it feels like it’s a me-problem and not an us-problem. I don’t masturbate as I used to when I’m alone either. It’s just too much work so I don’t really do it because I don’t feel like it.

My boyfriend is understanding of this and he knows it’s normal too. He has been in ruts before where his libido dropped. We are patient with each other. But I miss the kind of sex we used to have and masturbating when I’m alone. I have considered starting to watch porn and I tried it once but I got upset because of how good the women looks compared to myself and thinking of how my bf enjoys watching them(his porn habits have never disturbed our sex life). Gonna work on my self esteem and try again.

I love my bf and I want to keep my personal sex life alive too. I suspect going off the meds maybe made it drop. One thing I did was asking my bf to let me know when he desires me also when we are apart. It helps me to know I’m desired. I also stopped focusing on my orgasm and more on pleasure. I guess if anyone have any serious advice….? I’d be grateful.

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