So I’ve spotted tents in different Woodland parks near me, and am wondering if it should be reported and to whom?
The Woodlands are really quite small and near dual carriadge ways so my presumption is they’re homeless and could reasonably pose a danger to drivers/themselves or depending on their state, members of public walking through the woods.

Edit: Thanks to all the genuine answers from the few rational redditors

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  2. People like you are the danger. Do you think they enjoy living in a tent? Leave them alone, better still take them over a hot drink and some food.

  3. If they have been there for a while, they are obviously not hurting anyone so let them be, if they have only been there a couple of nights, they are probably not hurting anyone and will go soon so leave them be.
    If they have been there a while and the place looks like a shit tip report them to the council or police.

  4. Live and let live.

    Life is probably not going their way at the moment, the last thing they need is to be moved on, especially if they’re minding their own business.

  5. What kind of douche bag are you ffs ,mind ur own business and leave people alone. I bet u see them as riff raff lowering the tone of one’s area. ffs get a life of ur own. DONT LOOK DOWN ON PEOPLE,UNLESS YOU ARE HELPING THEM UP …#toffeenosedwankstain

  6. People tend to use tents when they go camping, (campings a recreational activity) you tend to find people pitch (put up) tents in wooded or grassy areas, especially in the UK, if you saw some on the dual carriageway then I’d maybe worry, that’s not normal, theres not much to it if I’m honest, it’s definitely not cause for concern, I wouldn’t go ask them what they’re doing, you’d probably frighten them off being a weird cunt

  7. Why not just go by and ask if they want anything like food/water? if they are okay first.

    There might be reasons they are not at the homeless shelter, living in a tent hidden away isn’t a first choice for anyone who is homeless, so theres a reason they are, find out first if there is something you can do to help, and if there isn’t then leave well alone.

  8. Ring your local council, they will have a homeless team who can go and speak to them and offer them advice, ultimately if they want to stay in a tent rather than a shelter then there’s not much else can be done unless they are breaking a law (trespassing etc)

    Please try to help people, they are likely down on their luck and need help rather than being looked down upon

  9. When I read the title, my gut instinct was “you should do nothing.” But after you explained that you thought they were probably homeless I’ve changed my view to “you should absolutely do nothing, you bloody plonker.” Why would you want to make the life of the homeless even harder by shooing them away elsewhere?

  10. Why would homeless people pose a danger? What state? Seems like you’ve seen some tents and are now imagining a type of person to be worried about. These people are just trying to survive the best they can, reporting them will only make their lives worse.

    Leave them be.

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