Update….what if a solution to the problem was offered but the partner is still angry ?

  1. I would try to talk to him, but if he is still giving me the silent treatment, then it shows he is not ready to talk yet.

  2. I’d very much hope he wouldn’t be made for , two days straight because we are adults and act like that, so we talk through what’s going on.
    It’s ok to be mad, but if a partner is acting out or being mean because they are mad, then that is absolutely not acceptable.

    I wouldn’t be with someone who couldn’t manage their feelings well and who wouldn’t communicate with me properly so things can be resolved.

  3. I genuinely cannot imagine an infraction that merits that. If they can’t take a beat and talk about it after a night’s sleep, that says a lot about their ability to manage their own emotional response. Maybe not an immediate dealbreaker, but a massive red flag.

  4. Space and time, until you are both at a place you can talk again in a constructive manner. Anger is normal and needs its own space to be felt.

  5. About what? What did I do that could possibly warrant such an immature and mean-spirited reaction? Maybe I’m spoiled but the only times I’m kinda peeved at my partner is when he doesn’t close drawers and asking him to do that helps and we make jokes about it. Did I kill his mom in this scenario? Kick his cat out the window? Context please.

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