To make a long story short I recently came out as BI sexual after living in denial about it for 10 years or so. I always knew I was 100% straight so guys are hot or cute . It more then that thought i will have a sexual thoughts about men and woman .

I just recently accepted this and said why not try goi.g on a few dates with guys to see if there is any romantic connection.

Like why not I am basically invisible to woman so why not see what happens.

However if I date a woman she needs to know because I am not going back in the closet 🤣😂 for her .

  1. If you being bi scares her off, she’s got bigotry in her veins.

    You can always tell a story about a guy you dated before.

  2. Just let it naturally come out in conversation. Ask if they like women, ask if they would ever date a guy who’s been with men. Just low key kinda introduce it, don’t say too much too soon I’d say to be honest. I wouldn’t really go into too much sexual talk until a bit later in the date and only if things are escalating.

  3. Share the dick pics you get with her.

    But seriously. Just find a way to bring it up when messaging on the app. Don’t put it in your profile, since it will tank your ranking. But mention it before you meet up so you don’t go on a date with someone you are incompatible with.

    And that’s really it. Women who are cool with it or into it will go on a date. Women who aren’t won’t.

  4. Do you “have” to bring it up? If you have not dated various men before and could/want to talk about this or you want to have an open relationship, idk why my partner needs to know this.

    > I am not going back in the closet 🤣😂 for her

    this just sounds insecure in that regard.

    I am also bi, had two sexual encounters with men. But I have absolutely no reason to tell this my future partner..

  5. This will act as filter for red flags, mark this. People won’t have an issue with it unless they are homophobic for the least

  6. To be honest i don’t think this information is even relevant in a monogamous relationship, since you won’t be sleeping with anybody else regardless of your sexual orientation. But if it’s absolutely important to you that they know, then just say like it is on your profile or on the first date.

  7. Women that aren’t homophobic and/or idiots won’t care about you being bi. Some very ignorant people think it means you want to sleep with everyone, obviously that isn’t the case, at least not anymore than it is with straight people so it’s irrelevant.

    I would say to be very clear about what type of relationship you want in terms of monogamy, as that’s more important.

  8. Definitely something you want to put out there from the get go. If she’s judgemental about that kind of stuff filter her out.

  9. I’d say try aiming for women who are extremely lgbt accepting . A lot of girls like to pretend to be inclusive and will even lie and say “yes” if you ask them if they would date a bi man, but still they would never. Most can’t come to grips with their man taking it up the booty

  10. Sounds like a very good time, I would be honest about it. A lot of people are open to this.

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