Hi all, I’m 25M and been dating 26F for 2 months now. Things seem to be going well, I’ve met her family and quite a few of her friends, we’re texting daily and planning dates on a weekly basis. But I can’t help but feel it’s a bit one sided, that maybe I like her more than she likes me. Just I’ve noticed things like when we text, I’ll tell her I’m really looking forward to our next date, but she doesn’t say the same back. When she met my Mum I reported straight back to her on what my mum thought of her. But when I met her Mum and Dad she didn’t reciprocate. Maybe I’m just overthinking stuff, which I am terrible for tbf. Maybe I’m just not focusing on the bigger picture like whats happening irl rather than texts. We have fun on dates and like I said, they’re regular, but I just can’t shake this feeling that maybe she just isn’t that into me and maybe not as passionate. I was just wondering if anyone else has had a similar feeling. Obviously only time will tell what happens with us but if anyone doesn’t mind sharing what happened to them I would be intrigued to find out, for better or worse. Thanks for any comments and advice.

1 comment
  1. If she wasn’t into you, then she wouldn’t be with you. That was a big step.

    Check up on attachment types. You seem anxious, while she seems withdrawn. That could cause problems if you get clingy and she feels suffocated.

    The reciprocal thing in messaging is going to drive you both crazy. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Go on dates. Do things together. Make a good experience for both of you. Don’t worry about what what happens in the middle. As long as you’re communicating about important things and setting expectations, then all good. Let her chill when you’re not doing something together.

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