Men who play Video Games: What genre’s interests you the most and why?

  1. RPG: because playing the story is interesting.

    4x: because strategy and empire management is fun to me

  2. FPS. It’s what I grew up with, and I get to use the more mechanical and reflexive parts of my brain rather than thinking. I think for a living. When I play, I just want to shooty tha zombie. A little bit Leroy Jenkins.

  3. Souls born games are my favorite. I suck at the games, but I really enjoy killing things and the variety of weapons I can use to kill things with.

  4. JRPG: because I feel like I’m making friends

    Platformer: because I hate myself

    Soulsbourne: idk what genre they’d fit in but I love all the Souls games for their exploration/difficulty/lore/combat/bosses

  5. Action RPG and Turn-based Strategy. RPG’s because they tend to have good stories and great effects and turn based strategy because of Final Fantasy

  6. For me, the game’s quality matters much more than genre. I like some dramatic plot, some thrilling or memorable events. Modern games often are of one genre – third person action/adventure. My favourite games lately are Red Dead Redemption 2 and Days Gone, and they are the same: you walk & ride and shoot & beat enemies, only the setting is different – first is in Wild West, second in post-apocalypse.

  7. I don’t play anymore but I used to be into grand strategy like Crusader kings 2 but also I used to play a lot of open world games favourites being red dead redemption 2 fallout new Vegas and mount and blade bannerlord

  8. honestly, anything with action in it, be that fps, rpg, mmo, it doesnt really matter aslong as there is some form of action

  9. BRs, I almost exclusively play Apex but I’ll venture into games like valorant, civ 6, stray or pga

  10. Almost all. Although I’m not keen on most sports titles. Especially the yearly release bullshit. I even enjoyed turn based strategys back in my stoner days as I could go at my own pace rather than the speed of the game. I even enjoy the occasional visual novel (ace attourney and the danganronpa games) I’m pretty easy with most genres realy. Fighting games are best with a few friends round though

  11. Action RPG games with a steep difficulty curve. Thinking the souls franchise, Sekiro, bloodborne and whatnot.

    Outside of that I like more mmorpg games.

  12. 2D Platformers and metroidvanias. I just like the preciseness and challenge of that style of gameplay.

  13. Shooters and rpgs.
    Love me some Halo, Destiny, Elder Scrolls and Zelda lol

    Edit: almost forgot Elden Ring

  14. Anything with Warhammer40k skin, though it’s not a genre, but will keep me interested a lot longer.

    ARPGs and base building.

  15. I haven’t really played a video game in a while…it’s still fun and the thought appeals to me but hitting my life goals appeal more so I just haven’t taken the time to sit down. When I DID play (in my 20s) I was an RPG fan, usually fantasy like Dragon Age or similar. I liked the story and the ability to modify how my characters leveled up to suit my play style.

  16. * RPG: I love watching a story unfold that I actually have the ability to influence, and periodically go back and do things differently so I can see what changes.
    * RTS: I just really enjoy building bases and armies, and watching them fight.
    * FPS: It feels like honing a skill and, when you’re on the right team, it’s nice to be able to employ a strategy as a team that actually works.
    * Fighting: It’s just good old-fashioned violence to blow off some steam, where you can either button mash or strategize, plus, I’m a martial artist.

    Now, I will admit that my previous marriage resulted in me no longer playing any video games, really. I’m in a new relationship, now, where that isn’t an issue, but now I suck at them, and it’s hard to get back into them when you suck as an adult :P.

  17. FPS games, I’ve played a bunch of different genres growing up and they’ve always been my favorite.

    You get a lot of replayability and I love competition, while I prefer the multiplayer aspect some games have solid story or coop elements.

  18. Games like chivalry, mount&blade, idk how to explain them in English. Games like operation flashpoint, r6 siege, realistic shooters. Games that fun with the bois, like fifa and rocket league. My three genres that I like the most

  19. Lore-heavy RPGs (Elder Scrolls, Neverwinter Nights). I like the feeling of “WTF?!” At the very beginning than “Ah, now I understand the logic” at the later stages.

  20. RTS/city builders – Age of Empires, Children of the Nile, Tropico, etc.

    RPG: I miss games like Balder’s Gate or Icewind Dale. Lately it’s been open world/sandbox types like Witcher 3 or RDR2

    Sports Sims – Madden

    What I like about these games is no matter how often you play them, you never really have the same experience twice.

  21. I truly truly enjoy a good F/TPS versus multiplayer but they don’t exist anymore. Everything has become customized loadouts and perks and bullshit instant kills. Gears of War 2 was probably the last of its kind where someone can already be shooting you but you have the skill to turn it around and kill them first.

    So these days I stick to action RPGs and co-op multiplayee games like Back 4 Blood and Vermintide.

  22. RPG’s because similar to books I get to sorta live life through the character I’m playing as and experience what they do as it happens to them. It’s like having a second life that you normally would never get the chance to have in settings that you’ve only read/heard about about things you may have never thought of before or only imagined in your wildest dreams.

  23. i like the realistic-ish period pieces where i can really get into the character and feel like im there. witcher.. assassins creed..rdr..fallout..gta.
    i play to escape..if i cant get into the character, then i cant escape

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