Did you ever love someone without being attracted to them? How did that went for you?

  1. I married someone I wasn’t exactly super attracted to. She wasn’t “ugly” by any means, just not really my type. We were together a total of 19 years before plenty of other things than that made me run screaming into singlehood. It’s very much possible to be happy with someone who isn’t really what you’d consider attractive. Besides, there’s far more than physical appearances that get us hooked on people.

  2. I got together with someone I got along well with but wasn’t really attracted to.

    Suffice to say, I had performance issues in the bedroom. Five months later, I decided I didn’t want to continue the relationship.

  3. As a woman that’s been married to a man that’s less than attracted to her… don’t do it to someone. A partnership (relationship) needs to be mutual on all counts.

  4. Yeah. I have a female friend like this. We have known each other for years. But there is absolutely no desire for a physical relationship at all. It’s just not there.

  5. Yes, i dated a girl for 6 years. It was normal in the beginning but after about 18 months the sexual attraction was gone completely. Still don’t understand why really. Our sex life was simply non existent, it happened pretty abruptly. But there was very much love involved.

    We ended up having an open relationship for the last 4 years of our relationship. Something i could never even have entertained before. But it worked quite well for 4 years. The relationship ended amicably. We’re still quite close. Both in monogamous relationship with other people now.

  6. Yea. It was bizarre. She wasn’t at all my physical type, but was conventionally attractive.

    Her personality, though.. she was really weird, and I was into it. It didn’t go anywhere, but I would have been down.

  7. I wasn’t physically attracted to her but she definitely a ride or die. Very good to me but I could have been better to her. She eventually got tired of my shit and by the time I realized what I had it was already too late.

  8. I loved a girl I wasn’t really attracted to why? Cuz I loved her company and she loved me, she wanted me , but when she found out.. 😔

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