For example they say we don’t know anything about Geography and our country is on the brink of collapsing.

  1. Sometimes it’s frustrating for me because I’ve never seen Americans make fun of Europeans intelligence and stuff but it could happen a lot. But some of it is all in good fun. But when Europeans legitimately think America sucks and people their are dumb because that’s what they see on Reddit it’s angering and I feel bad because those people have clearly never touched grass

  2. They’re just mad that we don’t care about what they care about. But it’s because it doesn’t affect us

  3. I’m indifferent.

    Everyone on social media has a crusade these days and the very concept of civil debate is almost dead outside of heavily moderated circles.

    People across the world just talk in insults and smugness. We’re not the only ones on the receiving end of it we just tend to hang out in places where America is the topic conversation.

  4. Living in the UK, it really annoys me and I do call people out depending on the situation and context. They call us ignorant but believe everything they see and hear on TV and take it as 100% truth.

  5. Annoying, then I ask them how their energy bill is doing lol.

    Honestly, internet Canadians are far worse.

  6. I find it odd that they seem to think about us enough to have such strong opinions. I certainly don’t think about them that much.

  7. I think it’s insulting that they take what their media and their internet shoves down their throat and in their face seriously. They use that information to form an opinion of an entire country that’s not based in reality.

    I think it’s somewhat funny that half the time, they’re doing exactly what they’re accusing us of being.

    They’re just too self centered to realize it and are so caught up in their projection, they don’t realize they’re even doing it.

  8. coming from the south it always sucks. A lot of southern small town people go out of their way to help others or be polite (think holding doors for others), but I feel we’re judged the same as big city assholes. Otherwise they’re probably right if not close lol

  9. Whenever I read another anti-American BS comment on Reddit it always makes me think about that one Mad Men meme..

    Europe: I hate you

    America: I don’t think about you at all

  10. I went to Europe for the first time this summer and, given that my main source of interactions with Europeans was over the internet, I expected to be lambasted for my obvious Americanness. Instead I found the vast majority of people regardless of the country I was in to be perfectly fine if not outright friendly.

    I imagine that those who partake in bashings of Americans are like anyone else who spends their time doused in negativity: angry for unrelated reasons and honestly probably in need of some kind of help. Do I get irritated at the frequency of anti-American posts in European subs that I joined to learn more about those cultures? Sure, and it’s even worse when they try to cover the xenophobia in “Americans just don’t understand sarcasm”. But honestly, if they think my oversized, deep-fried Americentrism is causing their kid to not spell words correctly then I feel more pity for them than anything.

    PS: I don’t mean to say that every European I’ve come across on the internet is a dick. I’ve had many totally respectful and insightful conversations that if anything reinforce the idea that the bashers are a bitter subset, not the mainstream.

  11. Seems to just boil down to them not understanding how much larger the US is compared to their country a lot of the time

  12. Mildly annoying.

    I just console myself by remembering I live in the greatest country on the planet, which plays into all the European stereotypes.


    Also whenever we get posts about Americans being bad at geography I give the OP a 50 state quiz.

    Only *one* OP ever actually took the quiz. He did pretty decently too. All the rest refused to take it.

  13. I’ve never encountered these guys IRL. I’m 100% positive they exist, especially if you go live abroad, but I really don’t care that much and I doubt most Euros do.

    That said, the internet guys are quite annoying and if those guys ever got in charge again, that would mean either some far left or far right regime took over and….let’s just say it’d be time to go kick some ass again.

  14. Love living in thier heads rent free. I find it ironic how most of the stuff they complain about is stuff they cant relate to or they also do. I always see Europeans talking about how Americans cant find a country like Slovenia on a map, yet ask them to find Iowa and most would be stumped. Also how they complain how much America relies on cars. Sorry most of americas citys dont lie in a hour range of eachother. Its easy to build public transportation when all your cities are clumped in the size of Pennsylvania

  15. I’m a dual US/Irish citizen that used to live in Spain. I loved living in Europe and would not be opposed to doing so again. The best two years of my life were spent in Madrid.

    However, they are extremely annoying. They also get super pissy when you call them out. Especially when I do, since they can’t call me some uninformed American when I have lived all over the world and grew up with immigrants from all over the world in San Francisco.

    Fortunately, though it happens a lot more online than in person. Europeans also regard us as very good tourists, contrary to what many people might think.

  16. I think Europe as a whole could really benefit from looking in the mirror and taking an honest look at their history. They call us racist yet so many European countries are far more racist than America as a whole. A good friend of mine who is black lived in Germany for many years and he saw blatant and aggressive racism both toward him and other people of darker skin tones all the time. I mean only up until recently Europe has been the continent that has seen the most war for thousands of years (Yes asia has had bigger ones, mainly thanks to china, but I mean in overall amount of war) and that is just as much a cultural problem as it is a political one. Let’s not also forget that 5 of the 10 largest genocides in history were done by European countries (Germany and the Ottomans,) 7 if you count Russia. There’s also how awful Spain, Portugal, and England treated native peoples all over the world during the colonial era. Especially in South America, Africa, India, and China. Yes I understand all their cultures are vastly different but one thing I can safely say they are nearly all pretty bad at, is getting along with other cultures and races and there’s always this sense of “we’re better than them.”

    Obviously this doesn’t apply to everyone and I really do like Europe as a whole, especially the people, but I really think that it would benefit from a reality check.

  17. It’s annoying as all hell. There’s times to where you can’t even have a conversation with a group of Europeans without someone inevitably shitting on Americans from outta no where. Canadians can be just as horrible if not worse about this.

    The most annoying is when they grab one situation and immediately apply it to all Americans. Like yeah sure, everyone in an area almost as big as your continent all behave the same. That makes sense.

  18. It’s annoying to be generalized and placed into a stereotype that you don’t belong in. I barely match up with what Europeans think is the average American, but because I’m American, that doesn’t matter.

    I just hope that if I ever move to the Netherlands, like I’d like to right now, I won’t be talked to the way Americans are talked to by Europeans online

  19. If a European ever accuses Americans of being racist just ask them how they feel about Romani people

  20. I don’t care anymore, this winter when Europeans are cold in their homes I’m going to raise the temp on my thermostat and sleep comfortably with my freedom heat

  21. We’re a large powerful country with strong speech protections and media that’s broadcast internationally. Some other countries have tall poppy syndrome and a culture that pushes conformity a bit more. It doesn’t surprise me that Europeans talk down on us, because at least some of them have been doing it for centuries.

    No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.- Eleanor Roosevelt

  22. I don’t think about it much, honestly.

    But for their sake they better hope we don’t get universal healthcare of any kind, because once we do like 95% of their arguments and jokes disappear.

  23. I don’t really think about them much. And I don’t begrudge anyone having patriotic pride in his own country just like I have in mine. Sometimes it seems founded in the mindset of thinking TV tells you all you need to know, but then no one has a monopoly on that.

  24. Tbh I don’t think the European superiority complex is something experienced exclusively by Americans. They’ve always been that way if history is anything to go by.

  25. It’s not that hard of a question to answer.

    How and why did your ancestors come here? And two what did we do during the two world wars?

  26. Oh, those people from the continent where world wars start? I’ll grant that they really *do* have to be up on their geography since football is only their *second* favorite sport.

  27. Honestly, I dont care. They can have their dumb opinions. If you ask me though, it’s more of a distraction from their own failures. Example would be how their unemployment rate is almost double ours.

  28. It’s fairly ridiculous.

    I’m pretty good at geography, as are a lot of Americans I know. The thing that’s funny is that what a lot of those Europeans who complain Americans aren’t good at geography really mean is “Most Americans don’t know as much about Europe as I do.” Well…duh. You live in Europe! Meanwhile, they are only good at European geography. But I’ll bet a lot of those Europeans would flounder if you asked them details about African geography.

    Our country is not “on the brink of collapsing.” We are better off than some and worse off than others depending on what specific thing you’re looking at. And anyway, I’m not sure why “different” always has to be equated with lesser or greater.

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