What made you go “no contact” with a family member?

  1. He stole half the rent to fuel his drug habit and almost got me killed since he was using the supply he was supposed to be selling for someone else.

  2. My Grandma always badmouthed my mum, her daughter in law. When we kids got older we told her to stop it. She did not stop.

    We havent talked to Grandma in over 10 years.

  3. I cut off quite a few family members.

    I cut off my dad because he wasn’t present and he didn’t assist when my mom was struggling.

    I cut off my mom because she was continuosly antagonistic to my wife because she thought she wasn’t good enough for me. I let her know I wouldn’t stand for it and she eventually came around.

    I cut off everyone else in the family apart from my mom and brother simply because they only saw me as a piggy bank and turned into rabid animals fighting over my grandparents belongings when they passed away. Even forcing young 18 year old me fresh out of bootcamp to pay for the funerals even though they clearly made way more money than I did.

  4. Constantly pushing religious beliefs on people and expecting (and demanding) that others accommodate her. If she couldn’t be around XYZ thing then no one should or she’d make a big deal about going outside at a family gathering to “get away” from XYZ thing, thus forcing the group to split if anyone wanted to spend time with her…and then would get offended if not enough people left the rest of the group to see her.

    It’s very difficult with anyone who has strongly held beliefs and is under the impression that there’s only 1 right way to handle a given topic. They’ll feel justified saying and doing anything because they’re “right” and that can definitely take its toll on those who don’t share the same beliefs. And even if they ARE right…its not the way to get people to come over to your side

  5. They, mom and aunts, send me to Somalia where a man cut my clitoris off and sewed my vagina together.
    I no longer live on the same continent as those witches.

  6. It’s not that I DON’T WANT contact.. it’s more that there just isn’t contact right now and I’m fine with it as long as I’m working and focusing on myself. Don’t know how it happened, I have my theories, but the silence just happened

  7. Made my mum (his sister) cry. So went round and hit him. Haven’t spoken since. Still seen rarely at family events but not spoken to

  8. Nobody from my side. But my wife’s was nearly every single one of them when they denied us seeing my wife’s aunt who was passing away. We traveled over 9 hours with a less than year old baby to visit and they turned us away before we even got to the house.

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