I feel like after every time I talk to someone… like at a store, restaurant, or just in general… I always end up, not knowing how to end the conversation and just saying thank you. I feel like I’m saying, thank you every single person I talk to even if I shouldn’t be thanking them. Are there any tips or advice on something else to say or a different way to end the conversation then just saying thank you.. it’s becoming very bland to me.. on top of not even really knowing how to have a conversation with people that I talk to day-to-day when I’m out and about… Thank you.

  1. Perhaps personalize it based on the conversation you just had. Like if the conversation was about a sports game they are going to play after work then something like: “I hope you guys win and the coach buys you guys a victory Pizza!” then walk away.

  2. If you don’t want to feel disingenuous, reserve the 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒀𝒐𝒖s for situations where you have gratitude for the interaction with that person, however small. In all other instances grab from the suggestions here—I personally like 𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒆𝒓𝒔!

    Deciding on the appropriate response also has the effect of making you slightly more mindful in the interaction and should help with that mild ennui you’ve been experiencing.

  3. other ideas:

    * good on ya
    * nice one
    * champion
    * brilliant
    * good one
    * sweet
    * multilingual options like grazie or gracias
    * or Lemmy’s go-to: cheers, ta!

  4. Sometimes I don’t say anything and just give a slow nod / lightly bow my head. Some people will nod / lightly bow their head back at me.

    Or for example, before I am about to step out from the exit door of a bus, I raise my arm with an open hand to the bus driver as a gesture of thanking them and I see them nodding their head in acknowledgement from the mirror of their driver seat that faces the inside of the bus.

  5. Having worked retail a lot I’ve given and received so many variations of these. My absolute favourite to say to people, and to get from others, is a ‘have a good day’. It sounds more genuine than the rest when it’s said right and it can really brighten someone’s day up.

  6. If it’s people like waiters, shop assistants, taxi/bus drivers or anyone else whose job entails providing some kind of service, then “Thank you” is a totally acceptable way to show your gratitude and end the interaction.

  7. see ya, catch u around, see u soon, take care (my most used), byee, ciaos, annyeong (korean), *peace outs*,

  8. I like to say that it’s been great to speak to you. It’s a thank you by inference without seeming patronizing. It elicits a positive response in return.

  9. – “I appreciate it”
    – “This is great”
    – “You’ve been awesome”
    – “Perfect”
    – turn that thank you into a compliment e.g. “You’re really keeping up with our table despite it being busy, and that’s admirable/cool/respectable/etc.”

  10. I met may not work for everyone, but I sometimes say “have a great rest of your day”.

    I like it because I actually hole that for them, and it is not a canned expression.

    But it might be slightly awkward sometimes who knows.

  11. Well thank you is one way to show your gratitude to someone so if you are getting some help or something else from someone through that conversation then thanking them is a generous thing similarly your last words must change according to what your conversation was about and you just need to keep this in mind and I am sure you will get closing words for each conversations yourselves. I don’t believe that there is any other better way than this one, yes, you can improve your vocabulary for such words but at the end you will be needing to use the words based on the conversation only.

  12. I just smile and try to only say thanks after everything is done and it will be the last interaction. Just not coming across as rude with the tone of your voice and how you speak is enough for the most part.

  13. Try to limit your thank you to when they’re deserved. Other wise when you’re really meaning it, they won’t realise that you mean it. Kinda like the boy who cried wolf. I’d replace it with “have a good one” or “Cheers mate” or “see ya” or something of that nature.

  14. I say thank you often, especially at a store or restaurant.

    If its with friends or family, I say something like “goodbye take care and I’ll catch you next time”.

    But in short I don’t think there’s anything wrong with saying thank you to end your interaction with a store clerk. Maybe just give a kind smile instead if you think saying thank you is too much.

  15. Tip your fedora, do a little burp and then spin around on the spot.

    Or, ya know, just be yourself and say, “see you later”.

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