I’ve been really good friends with this guy for 7 years. We met on Xbox and would talk a lot over FaceTime and games for years in our friend group. Our friend group would try and meet up when we could all see each other so there was no confusion that our relationship was only friends. We all got drunk one night except this friend because he doesn’t really like drinking. I was very drunk and went to my room to sleep and told them to sleep in the living room. My apartment is small and I left my door open to my room when I came back he kept trying to push himself on me while I was just tired and wanted to sleep. My memory is spacey at this point but I do know I was so tired and telling him no and he just kinda kept pushing I was so tired i think I just let it happen but I can’t really remember. I have been avoiding him since because I’ve been getting more uncomfortable with the whole thing because i think I’m starting to accept the reality of the situation. Thoughts?

  1. Yes. And get therapy. Please.

    Rape has severe consequences and you need to get help if you can.

  2. Girl you got raped. I’m not a lawyer, but you could ask one and maybe they’d tell you, but you can’t let him get away with this

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