How would you feel if your partner was getting off to explicit material of exs/previous partners?

  1. I would feel a range of emotions – hurt, betrayed, angry, sad, shocked, jealous?

    Not necessarily in that order but I would be devastated.

  2. I’d feel like they wouldn’t be my partner anymore, if that’s the level of respect they hold for me.

  3. what the hell. instant breakup lol. i dont even like my bf getting off to/watching porn, much less stuff from exes. thats terrible

  4. That’s unacceptable. I don’t mind if a partner wants to use (ethical) porn to get off in his own time, but he absolutely should not be using material from previous partners.

  5. I’m the only woman my husbands ever been with. But if it so happened he had exes and this happened, it would be over. Instantly.

  6. When you’re an ex, you get rid of the explicit stuff they sent you. It’s just the right thing to do. Anyone who doesn’t do that is not someone I want to be with.

  7. Disgusted. My guess is that their exes don’t know they still have them. I certainly wouldn’t want my exes to still get off to my nudes.

  8. I would leave them. I would feel hurt and disappointed that they weren’t the person I had been led to believe they were, and I’d also feel very single. That’s an absolute hard-line deal-breaker for me.

  9. That would be a clear dealbreaker.

    Not to mention the fact that I would wonder if he’s previous partners knew that he had explicit material of them. I would feel so uneasy if I found out that an ex had kept intimate photos of me after we broke up, and if someone found them on his phone/computer I would want to be notified about it.

  10. Offended on my own behalf and the ex’s. Most exes withdraw consent to “use” pictures of them like that once the relationship is over. That let’s me know my partner would do the same to me after we break up.

    That would be break up worthy behavior.

  11. First of all, i’d be very disappointed too.

    But i have a honest question:
    Do you guys really think it’s that bad to keep explicit photos from people which sent them and never asked you to delete them?
    Seems like i’m a weirdo (nothing new tho lol).
    I’ve kept many pictures for the memories, i’m not jerking off to them or showing them to anyone, it’s just so i can jump into memories from time to time.
    The pictures aren’t all explicit of course.

  12. I would feel terrible if my partner was getting off to explicit material of exs/previous partners.

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