Is it weird for someone in their mid twenties to date someone in their early thirties. I didn’t feel weird about it but then the guy I’m talking to discussed with me last night he was worried about what people would think and if age gap relationship work. I’m 24/25 he’s 32/33 and we both live downtown in the same city and want similar things in life. I feel like my family and friends would be fine with it but just wanted to see if this was an actual concern

  1. I’d say 23-24 depending upon your maturity is about the time age gap starts making less of a difference. At 23 me and my friends were all still partying all the time so I couldn’t see myself really having much in common with someone that was 32 (that’s when I had my first child) but if you both ACTUALLY want the same things seems fine. I say actually cause people often in new relationships bend the truth a little about what they’re goals are or maybe haven’t been with someone long enough to know if what they think they want is actually what they want.

  2. Look, i personally think it’s weird BUT what really matters is that you are both consenting adults who love each other. As long as you’re happy, go ahead.

  3. It’s not a good idea. They will get to a point where they will end up needing to “find themselves”

  4. Shouldn’t be an issue as long as you two want the same things. I’m 32 and last year I dated a woman your age and the only real issues (which ended the relationship) we had all had to do with where we were in life. I was more established and was ready to “settle down” (not really settle, just not live life so unpredictably) while she didn’t know what she wanted to do for a career yet, was working part time jobs, and lived with family.

    So just keep in mind that some of those issues are harder to avoid with an age gap but if that’s not a problem you two should be great together.

  5. Y’all are likely in different places in life, also comes with the question why doesn’t this guy get girls his own age? Also, confused because you say in the title you’re 23 and then say 24/25 so like which one is it

  6. There are no rules around age IMO. Only mutual attraction is needed, provided both people are adults of course.

  7. Age doesn’t matter but maturity does matter.

    If you both are of the same mindset and maturity level, then things have a much higher chance of working out.

  8. I’m 32 and I would have no issue whatsoever dating a girl your age if we where comparable as people. There is a 10 year age gap between my parents and they are still happily married after 30+ years. My sister and her partner have 9 years between them as well and they are quite happy too.

    That being said I am 32, I poured my 20’s into my career, didn’t settle down or have kids, so my lifestyle now is possibly that of somebody a little bit younger than me, I still enjoy going out with my friends some weekends, I’m currently studying a masters degree, and once that is done I plan to leave my job and go travelling for a few months before going into a new career. I think it’s a bit different if it’s a 32 year old guy who is going through a divorce, has 3 kids and the girl is still partying her way through her life and there is a complete clash of lifestyle. A lot of local knowledge needs to be applied.

    The age itself is less important than the lifestyle and maturity aspect, I wouldn’t date a girl who has the three kids, is divorcing and has all her money tied up in a shared mortgage or something even if she was only 25, because in terms of lifestyle I’m not in that place. Above all, do what is best for you.

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