Hey. I’ve been crushing on my childhood friend for a couple years now. A few months ago he told me his feelings for me and I reciprocated, we went out 1 time together. I like to text him every now and then, trying not to make it look like I’m clingy. Although, I texted him about 2 weeks ago and no response and I’m like “okay. this is normal. maybe he’s busy.” I waited about another week and sent another text 3 days ago, still no response. I happen to play games online with him and see him online, openly chatting on discord with friends and hasn’t been busy while he is MIA. I started to think he’s ignoring/ghosting me although I don’t understand why. He enjoyed our time we went out, we even went out with a couple a friends weeks later and we had a bunch of fun. I really would like to ask him out again but what if I’m jumping the ropes and he’s not interested? Does anybody have any suggestions for me if I should write him (and what to write him) or wait a few more days? thanks for reading.

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