What popular “romantic activities” are just not your thing?

  1. I despise going to the movie theatre. I feel like it is gross inside, and there is too many people for my liking. Drive-Ins are nice though

  2. Not really activity because it is a one-time thing but engagements. I don’t get the idea of one person surprising the other with marriage proposal, especially when one of them is not even sure if the other one wants to get married and is just waiting. This is something that has to be discussed and decided upon together for me.

  3. Sleeping with his arm under my neck. My neck gets kinked and he gets a dead arm the whole next day? Use pillows you fucking savages!

  4. Showering together. I grew up with two sisters and played travel basketball so showering was my only me time. Even today I still consider it my me time but I can tell my gf was disappointed when I first told her co-showering would be a rarity.

  5. Anything from movies or things that are cliche romantic like eiffel tower proposals, flowers, cringey one-liners etc. I think romance is something you should feel organically and not achieved with staged rose petals and candles just because that the ‘norm’.

    Having said that I never say no to chocolates

  6. Going for a walk by the beach, we grab a coffee and 30 minutes down the line my partner needs to poop. So we go home. Yay me

  7. Disclaimer: I’m not from the US and that’s not common around here.

    Having men insist on paying for everything. Hell no, I don’t want to owe you for anything.

  8. Resting my head on his arm or chest. Both are rather hard/muscular parts of the body. They’re too rigid to comfortably support my head and neck for more than a few minutes. It looks so sweet and romantic in the movies but does work out in real life (for me).

  9. Holding hands while walking! It’s so physically awkward, you get all wonky and out-of-sync and have to focus on coordinating your steps so that you don’t have to deal with your elbows and shoulders getting knotted up. Maybe I’ve just never had a partner whose height worked with mine or something.

  10. Fancy dinners. Much rather a hole in the wall place

    Public proposals. I’d die of embarrassment

  11. Cuddling all night. I love a good cuddle before going to bed, but as soon as I’m actually ready to sleep I will be returning to my side of the bed.

  12. Being given jewelry for holidays/anniversaries. I’m very particular about fashion and want to buy my own jewelry. I’d much rather get thoughtful gifts related to my hobbies.

  13. Picnics. I don’t want to eat outside and I especially don’t want to eat in the ground.

  14. Flowers. Do not bring me flowers. I appreciate the gesture but I’m not a plant person. I can’t keep anything alive and now I have to buy a vase and try to keep it alive in case this goes somewhere and you come over.

    I told a guy that I wasn’t a flower person and he showed up with a bouquet of my favorite candies, I loved it!

  15. Grand gestures that are showy and preplanned and clearly meant to be photographed. They just seem incredibly low effort. Take that money and spend it on something personal.

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