Hi there! Would love some insight on this situation.

I recently went on a first date with a guy. It went well and we talked about how we’d like to do it again. After the date, we still kept up communication via texting. It was a little less than before we met up but I didn’t think anything of it.

I didn’t hear from him for a couple days and when he reached out last week, I jokingly said that I thought I got ghosted and he said he’s not a ghost. In that same conversation he brought up going on our second date. He was going out of town but we talked about hanging out this upcoming weekend.

Cut to now. He was out of town Fri-Sun so I assumed I wouldn’t hear from him, but it’s now Wednesday and I haven’t heard from him since Friday morning.

Is this normal for a dude? Is he waiting til this weekend to set up a plan? I’m feeling pretty ghosted this time around. Should I say something? I’m pretty confused why someone would bring up a second date but then disappear.


  1. Very common. He is likely juggling a few options/girls and things change quickly. With dating apps there are always new faces popping up. Advice is to wait for him to contact and keep your guard up as his behavior is likely to continue to be flakey.

  2. As someone who dates a lot, just expect that **some people are busy with their lives and others will ghost**. Just don’t take it personally. I know it doesn’t always make sense and feels bad to be ghosted but some people are not emotionally mature enough to handle their own emotions and decisions. It has absolutely nothing to do with who you are as a person if they can’t own their own decisions and feel secure in them.

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