hey 30-year-olds! i turned 30 six months ago and since then i’ve noticed something strange happening with my mindset. i now see things which were once obvious or taken for granted, as being, well, out of reach or goal-worthy, and see some of my “past”, pre-30, aspirations as childish. for example, i find myself spending a lot more time thinking about budgets, down payments, retirement finances, and the like rather than thinking about the next “awesome” job or teaching gig. i look at couples on the street and think to myself, “wow, they are just a normal couple, with a dog and a kid, how lucky!” as opposed to thinking about dating as a mystical and magical endeavor. please, don’t misunderstand. i do not have a feeling of surrender but more of a feeling of urgency and being awoken to a reality that i feel i never once took seriously. i recently changed my job for one that is, well, better pay and more room for my to grow, but leas interesting clientele and got out of a relationship that was built in a foundation of misaligned values. i feel like i am going through a kind of mental puberty. anyone else out there experiencing a shift in the way they approach value?

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