I need help my used shampoo as lube now my dick is wrinkly and shiny this is the 1 month mark already please I am very desperate

  1. I did that once or twice back in college… Then my dick feel off.

    Jk. I thought it was interesting. I’m not sure what causes it, but you’ll be fine.

  2. Shampoo can irritate and dry out your skin. Dry and irritated skin is more susceptible to fungal in bacterial infections. Since your problem has persisted for a month, I wouldn’t be surprised if this happened to you. I would definitely see a doctor.

  3. You say that this has persisted and its been over a month and still it hasn’t returned to normal. I would advise you to see a doctor.

  4. look up the symptoms of yeast infections on the penis and bacterial infections and see if any of your symptoms match. Personally i think it could be a yeast infection, because you mentioned it being shiny, in that case some over the counter antifungal can work (go to a pharmacist and explain to them the situation)

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