How many of you stayed together for the kids?

  1. I got a divorce because my job is to model healthy relationships for my daughter. Staying together for the kids is often doing them a massive disservice.

  2. Shit don’t work..don’t believe one man in history did that and remained happy..🤷🏾‍♂️

  3. I tried. Then one day my daughter told me she was never getting married after watching how my wife and I interacted (or lack of interacting). She could tell there was no love in the marriage. My other kids saw a marriage of two people who basically could not stand each other. I hated going home at night from work and my office became my cave. My kids were the only thing that drove me to go home. At the same time, I started to withdraw from everything. I was hurt and resentful, and I felt like I was being eaten from the inside out. Being in the marriage took a toll on me, and sadly, with my kids.

    Once I got divorced and sorted things out, once the kids realized that dad was still going to be there for them, it got better. Not saying it wasn’t rough and we didn’t have trying times, but we got through it. I immediately started feeling better…like a huge weight was off of my shoulders. I quickly returned to being the loving, caring, compassionate person I was so many years before. No longer a shell of my former self, my employees wondered if I had been abducted by aliens and replaced. They LOVED the new (old) me.

    My (ex) wife (who was bitter and resentful our entire marriage) was miffed that I walked away. She was convinced nobody but her would put up with me. She was wrong. She tried hard to turn the kids against me and failed in that as well. My kids are all adults now and I am close with three of the four.

  4. 90+ year old couple come into a divorce attorney’s office. Attorney asks how old they are and how long they’ve been married. I’m 92 and she’s 91 says the man, and we’ve been married for 71 years. So the attorney asks why they waited so long to get a divorce. The lady finally speaks with the statement, well, we were only staying together for the good of the children, but the last one finally died Thursday.

  5. I got divorced because I was convinced that she was a bad influence and me working full-time to support her being a full-time bad influence was bad. So I went for 50-50 custody

  6. We tried to. Three different couples therapists, lots of tears, fights, etc. My kids would come into the kitchen during our arguments crying and begging for us to just get along.
    A lot of “if that person would just do…. We’d get along”.
    Now, I’m very happy to show my children love in two different houses and ways; then to show them how to survive abuse.
    Our actions teach lessons our words can’t cover. If you’re questioning it, try seeing it from the kids perspectives. They see and hear more than we think. Would you want your child to be in a similar relationship?

  7. Currently going through it, it’s a horrible place to be but I love those little tikes so much.

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