What’s the biggest risk you’ve taken in your life? Was it worth it?

  1. I drove out to meet my SO for the first time completely alone, 5 hours from home, and spent the weekend. I gave my sister his name and address, etc, but I could have very easily been kidnapped or murdered lol. But I ended up having an amazing time, moving in, and we’ve been together over two years now. It’s been the best decision I’ve ever made.

  2. I quit my very well paid job to live with my then boyfriend and Finish school. The finishing school part was worth it. The boyfriend not so much. The relationship gave me some issues.

  3. I moved to a completely different state for a job I wasn’t sure I could do. It was worth it thought – 10+ years later I’m still at the job and absolutely crushing it. I give all credit to my co-worker, who put up with some mighty dumb questions from me the first few months, but he was really kind and helped me get my feet under me.

  4. Packing my kids, pets and whatever else fit in my car and moving 1500 miles away from where we were born and raised. Best decision ever. Been here 23 years now and regret nothing.

  5. I took a risk getting into a relationship with the man I’m currently dating. I think many other women would have declined to do so, given his past. But he’s a sweet, gentlemanly, and patient man (it’s hard for me to reconcile the man I know him as versus the man he must have once been), so I absolutely feel the risk was worth it in the end.

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