What is your creative outlet?

  1. Watercoloring! I’ve actually posted some of my work in my profile too! I love to paint with Watercolors!

  2. I have a ton of hobbies because I’m bipolar and my brain makes me go “OOOO!” whenever I see a new hobby. The main ones:

    1. Doll modification
    2. Knitting/Crotchet
    3. Sewing
    4. Painting my little warhammer nerd figures

  3. It’s always changing, but plants right now. And with spring around the corner and finally owning a house, I’m super excited to get out and garden.

  4. Writing/making cards or letters! I love snail mail. Helps me keep in touch with distant family. Other ones are drawing and journaling.

  5. Writing! Been doing it forever and it allows me to use up all my creative energy

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