TL:DR: I never can tell if people are offering things to be nice or truly mean it and it resulted in an anxious night for me. Any advice on how to tell if people really mean what they’re offering?

So I visited my old college town last night and had a lot of fun visiting old friends. I didn’t have much plans and a lot of the friends I hadn’t seen in a long time.

I ended up going to a concert with one friend Jeff and I hit up another friend Jenny who came later and brought friends/acquaintances I used to know.

Jeff and I were gonna go drink after the concert but he ended up running into some friends and left the concert early. Me, Jenny and friends seemed to have fun at the concert and I asked if they wanted to get a drink (cuz Jeff ditched me and I was having fun with them).

Jenny and friends said no to drinks but kinda paused and was like “well you could come back to the house”. Everyone was friendly on the walk to the house but I couldn’t tell if they really wanted me there. Like 5 mins within getting there I got straight terrified that they didn’t want me there, even tho they were being nice, so I made an excuse and left. When I left they were all very warm and Jenny said she loves me (platonic) but she does say that to everyone.

My fear is that these friends invited me to their place cuz Jeff ditched me and actually didn’t want me to come and were just nice cuz they don’t like being mean.

Jeff and Jenny both offered me their couches for the night but in different ways. I think Jeff offered his very genuinely, but I felt bad taking up the offer. Jenny at the concert at one point said “you can always crash on my futon” and also when I left their place. I couldn’t tell if always included this time. Or if she even meant it at all. Because of my hesitation about if I could actually sleep at anyones house I ended up driving 2 hours home like a dummy, when I might’ve been able to stay another day.

All and all I had a good night with Jeff and Jenny

How do you tell if an invite is a real invite?

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