What is something you were surprised to get complimented on?

  1. Guy came up to me at a high school reunion said when we were in Kindergarten, he was amazed that I could read most anything.

  2. Gf always compliments me on my child like wonder. I often get excited over the smallest things and gestures.

  3. Surprised? No. Felt weird? Yes.
    This random batchmate of mine said to me that I smell like honey.
    Although I still laugh so much thinking about that comment😂

  4. A female co-worker told be I have a nice butt. I’m a guy and didn’t know women looked at guys butts. She said women do and that mine was “nice”. It made me feel good for the rest of the week lol.

  5. My personality. Actually when that happens and they’re not old people I’m suspicious.

  6. My sense of humour! I do not think I’m a funny person at all. But maybe my perception is skewed because my twin sister is literally the funniest person ever and has had professional comedians in stitches.

  7. My hair. I cut it down to my shoulders at the beggining of August and my primary wish was to get rid of the damaged ends and start growing it out healthy. It was really damaged considering I went from black to light brown in only one session. I bought bunch of expensive hair products and really made taking care of my hair a hobby. I also dyed it honey blonde, bit darker than I already had, but it has those golden chocolate tones.

    I didn’t think people liked short hair, but I loved it and that was all that mattered to me. Turns out people go crazy for short hair. I get so many compliments on a daily basis, much more when I had it long. That really surprised me and I feel really confident with it. It makes my personality innocent yet playful and bold. Depends if I let my natural curls come out or if I blowdry it.

  8. My purposeful walk, it’s a very surprising thing to be complimented on but hey, I heard it a couple of times through the years so I just say oh thank you!

  9. I get compliments on my hair all the time, there is nothing special about it aside from the fact that it’s long but I guess that makes it super beautiful?

  10. My nose lol. When I was a teen I hated it. I thought it was huge. It’s not.
    I went to get my eyebrows waxed when I was 15. The lady doing it asked if it was my real nose. I laughed and said yeah why would you ask that. She said she had never seen a nose fit a face so well. It was quite strange.

    When I was a bit older I was at a bar. A girl kept staring at me. Eventually she came up to me at the bar she asked my name and then mentioned something about me being Jewish. I was confused and told her I wasn’t. She told me that face and in particular my nose where beautiful Jewish features and she said I reminded her of a red headed version of La Belle Juive. Another odd compliment? 😅

  11. A colleague called me classy and well-spoken which was so surprising because I’m an introvert and I hardly ever speak up in meetings, formal events, etc. We’re all educators though and I don’t have hangups with public speaking when talking to students but still I didn’t expect to be called classy because of the way I teach.

  12. I’ve had many hair styles and colours, a friend told me that I could pull off anything and my confidence was their favourite thing about me. I was quite taken aback because I fake it till I make it and most of the time dying my hair has gone wrong but I made do with whatever it turned out with. Buzzcut, odd colour and everything.

  13. I’ve been complimented on my driving numerous times; I’m very spatially aware apparently.

  14. I’m always pleasantly surprised when I get complimented on my voice! I get told I sound like a cartoon character often as well. Obviously my voice sounds different in my head, but I no longer dislike how my voice sounds when recorded because of how nice people have been. Maybe i’ll try voice acting one day haha.

  15. My work ethic, my driving, my clothing style, my makeup

    I literally wear Walmart t-shirts and Skechers.

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