Kinda simple question – how do I/did you get over worrying about your age?

I’ve just turned 23, and yet I feel behind so many people – my high school classmates have all graduated, and there are people younger than me all the time who are arguable ‘more successful.’ Even though I’m doing well for myself, with little debt and some nice friends, it does keep giving me anxiety and such.

Does anyone have tips or advice?

  1. Im in the same boat here, and i gotta say. No point in trying to keep up with the jones’. Just understand that nobody likes you when you’re 23. We live in a world where we are so caught up in trying to progress that we forget that not everything we do has to be progress related and that not everything you do has to be done in the first 30yrs of your life

  2. The only person you should compare yourself to is yourself, strive to be better than you were yesterday. Just be happy about what others have accomplished and don’t feel bad for yourself. Everyone has their own life with their own struggles and blessings. Life doesn’t have to be some weird competition.

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