I find Instagram to be mentally exhausting. I fail to understand its purpose.

Sometimes I wonder how my peers are able to meet new people, make conversations with ease and also get into romantic relationships, on Instagram.

However, I am unable to comprehend the social media etiquettes. It’s as if I have to do something just to put it on Instagram. Following which I’ve to pray that I get likes and comments. This is unhealthy.

Am I crazy to feel this way? Is there a more organic way to connect and maintain friendships?

I find it difficult to make friendships that last long.

Also wanted to know, if I am not on Instagram, let’s say I meet a new person in a US university. I proceed to ask his/her number with the intention of keeping in touch or building that relationship. How is this perceived by them? Do they think I’m a creep for asking for their number straight away?

  1. Just say you don’t do social media. It’s not as uncommon as you think. I don’t have Instagram anymore and actually feel a lot better in a lot of aspects of my life. There’s no fake competition to make your life seem more exciting than it is but the biggest thing is how much time you gain back. I don’t miss it at all and now I’m out of that world I would never go back.

  2. I’ve never been on Instagram or TikTok, I don’t go on Facebook or Twitter. Yeah I miss out on all the updates from family. Sometimes people say “well you didn’t know this happened to me?!”…. If you didn’t tell me no I didn’t know. And that’s okay, can have a nice conversation about it. And I can tell you how I feel about it in person with emotions…. Like people.

    Not exactly a social butterfly so I don’t get a whole lot of requests for it and most people understand when I say I’m not doing it.

  3. It’s just for showing off. I hardly ever post. I don’t care about chasing likes or comments.

    I do use the messenger sometimes when I see people post stuff that I want to talk about. But that’s about it. I don’t think anyone uses it to make meaningful relationships.

  4. How young are you ? I’m 25 and don’t use social media except Reddit …

    It’s never been an issue for me. I still have solid relationships and friendships.

  5. I left insta long time ago, I got tired of being bombarded with fake accounts wanting message me and follow requests! 👎

  6. I actually go on IG/SM breaks for about a month at a time. Started off small for a few days until I broke the habit. You’ll feel so much better afterwards.

  7. My thing is I feel that I don’t do enough interesting things to have an Instagram account. And a lot of the time I just don’t care if other people know what I’m doing. Which is probably a good thing. I’m trying to get into more hobbies to meet people organically but I’m usually pretty introverted. I need to get out there and just do it

  8. I don’t know what it was supposed to do originally but I think it has become a way for us to get that daily dose of serotonin. Like people say you should exercise more so that you feel happier as exercising releases some chemicals in our brain that make us feel accomplished, nowadays, Instagram is exercising and even the slightest of things like finding a funny reel, sending or getting sent a funny reel, a notification, a view, a post or a comment everything makes us go crazy and happy or sad it makes us feel something which is crazy. I think with more time its going to get out of hand. I really liked Instagram I’ve been on it since 7th grade but i recently uninstalled it, i’ve passed out of high school now but yeah ever since i uninstalled it i’ve been asking myself what now? what do i do to make up for that loss and its so weird how much Instagram had an impact on me it’s kind if crazy and make me wonder if kids really should be on Instagram and what we really are doing with our life like every time we click a picture a lot of times it for the intention of posting it on Instagram but then what and i’m sorry i don’t understand influencers and stuff like they’re living their life making out of content j get the wellness influencers and stuff but the u don’t really have an opinion on that since i’m quite conflicted on that myself

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