It’s been almost 2 months since I got married (nikafied) to my husband. We are not living together yet and we go on dates every weekend. Im a hijabi and since we always meet at fast food restaurants or public spots, I have to keep my hair covered. My husband wants to see my hair as I’ll obviously look prettier without the hijab plus he thinks with the hijab its hard to romanticise things but I can’t uncover my hair as there are many non mehrams at such public spots but I really wanna show him. What do I do??
I hope there are any sisters out there with some solution to this problem , any tips or hacks will be appreciated

  1. If you don’t get useful ideas here, there are Muslim as well as hijab supporting subreddits, maybe try them as well.

  2. Ah, you see here we have a far more wholesome case of how do i get alone time.

    (Not sure your region but what i do in my area) Try going off the paths in a wooded park, find a spot together and sit for awhile to help you feel comfy, have a picnic or something the meantime, make sure you explain that this is important to you

  3. How about you send him a picture of you without a hijab on? It’d be the more pious equivalent of sending nudes. That way, he may see your hair and people who are not supposed to won’t. I’m not a Muslim, though, I just like solving problems.

  4. Like someone else said, you could send him a picture. I don’t know a lot about Muslim culture and religion, but I know enough to understand it and appreciate it a bit. If this is important to you, he should understand that.

  5. How about a picnic in some kinda deserted park or forest? I bet you have some nice spots that are pretty unknown. There it should be no problem to show your hair…

  6. Spend a night at a hotel together? Youre religiously married and are allowed to be alone together and be intimate, surely its worth it? Unless money is an issue, but if you plan it in advance for one night its worth it i’d say.

  7. Im male but from a muslim background / country.

    Since you have done the nikah you are allowed to be alone with him. No one can stop you not even your parents.

    Since you have done the Nikah its Halal to even have sex now. So if you want to just show your hair alone.


    I know its traditional to wait until wedding but you don’t have to, not according to Sharia at least.

  8. I don’t know where you are but I have seen some salons who have private booths to allow women to get their hair cut and styled without men or public around.

    Maybe you could try going to one and getting your hair cut and he can come with? I’m not entirely sure of all the rules so I’m sorry if this doesn’t work/is allowed.

  9. Someone suggested going to a secluded area which is great. Maybe go to the beach at night ? A nice picnic with no people ? Park somewhere thats also secluded and show him in the car? Go to a park at night, theres almost never many people at a park at night lol. Hope you guys figure it out 🙂

  10. Hey, I do think a hotel room or airbnb would work. Also, only show him your hair if you’re comfortable with it. He should wait if you arent ready due to religious reasons. And dont say you look more beautiful without hijab! Im sure you look gorgeous in both !

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