we met and started dating a few months ago, and a month ago she met this guy and they’ve always been playing games or being on call with them more often. it’s gotten to the point where she ghosted me for 2 weeks and doesn’t reassure me nor do anything to remove doubts in my head. when im free she says she’s busy and she can’t play or call because she’s “tired”, but i see her playing everytime. whenever we’re on call, she leaves midway and goes to that friend. and lately we haven’t spent much time together now and it feels like we’re not a couple anymore. whenever we’re together, she won’t stop talking about that guy and when i told her about it, she just stopped talking. she talks about him, she’s always with him much more than with me, she doesn’t talk to me much despite how hard i try to clear up my schedule, and she always leaves me on read/doesn’t apologize. i don’t know why or how i still have feelings for her despite how she’s treating me, i just want to be with her, what do i do?

TL;DR – girlfriend more or less stops spending time with me and goes hangout with another guy

  1. This is hard, I’m sorry you’re going through it. The relationship sounds like it is over. “Ghosted for two weeks”? Yes, it’s over. You gotta be the mature person and tell her that you still like her as a person, but don’t want to be in the relationship anymore.
    Cutting her loose might hurt at first, but you will feel so much relief once it’s over. The right person for you doesn’t treat you like that.

  2. She isn’t acting like a girlfriend, she is not prioritizing your relationship and chooses to spend time with this other guy instead of you. It’s only natural that you still have feelings for her and wish things could go back to the way they were before this other guy came into the picture. But that’s unlikely, and it’s ok to end the relationship, say something like “This relationship is no longer working for me and we should stop dating and just be friends.”

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