Mah men, have you ever realized too late you were in love? What’s the story, eh?

  1. I was very young and brought up very naive in a country setting. Met a girl from abroad online, she came to our country to see me and we hit it off extremely well. I had the opportunity shortly thereafter to go to her country and go on a six-week RV trek through an amazing and popular forest tourist area with her, but got too scared because I had never been far from home and didn’t have any life skills. Definitely the one who got away, I still think of her from time to time 20 years later

    Lindsay, I hope you have a great life 🙂

  2. Still the worst mistake of my life. This girl was obsessed with me on high school, we were best friends, got along on every note and enjoyed all the same things. But instead of giving her a chance, I went with some sociopath with a god complex and a fat ass. By the time I realized this girl was everything I ever wanted in one package, she was already with another guy. They’re both engaged now, and I live alone in the sticks having had no female intimacy in over 4 years.

  3. I knew I liked her. I just did not realise how much. Then I fucked everything up. Me and her met in the summer as we were both part of a summer programme. She was wearing a T-shirt from a show I liked and I immediately wanted to be friends with her. We talked a lot during the summer and continued hanging out a bit after. Later we found out that we were going to the same college. once we were in college together we hung out sometimes and I started noticing that she seemed like she was talking a a flirty way with me. However I did not have much confidence in my ability to read people nor was I used to be wanted or liked in that way. I have ASD and feel like I usually come off as kind of a weirdo so it felt almost hard to believe that she liked me that way and I did not know how to respond so I simply didn’t. Then one day she asked me out specifically on a date. I felt flustered and did not know how to respond at first but I said yes. I thought she was cool so I though it could be fun to see how it goes. However I have sever social anxiety in situations I am not used to. I can hang out with someone casually but once it’s in the setting of a “date” suddenly I become very anxious. She was very affectionate on the date. She started calling me babe, started grabbing my arm during the date. and this made me a bit anxious for two reasons. One it felt strange for her to suddenly refer to me as babe and it just felt too quick to me somehow. And secondly I have so little experience with dating that I did not know how to act in return. I was afraid of doing something weird or going to far and so I just didn’t really do much no even when she was seemingly sending signals cause I just couldn’t be sure. After we dated for a bit she complained to me about my lack of reciprocating affection. Which I completely understand must have been frustrating for her. But I felt like I simply did not have the understanding to know the right way to act on dates and was also struggling in my college classes at the same time which were very important to me. At the time I valued my college classes far more than dating as I was chasing a dream job. So I broke up with her thinking that I could not be properly affectionate. I was also dealing with a lot of confidence issues and felt like I didn’t deserve her in a way. I also did not think I had the energy to deal with the anxiety of college and the anxiety of dating at the same time and I prioritised college. I later realised that I really really liked her more than I acknowledged at the time. When she spoke she just seemed so much like she thought similarly to me in ways that very few people do. I also realised that I think I might actually hate my college programme and don’t want a job in my selected field anymore. So I threw all that away for nothing. I have not talked to her in about two years now and trying to talk to her again at this point would feel awkward. I also know that she was struggling with a lot at the time so I pray and hope I did not accidentally make her feel like it was her fault I broke up with her cause it was absolutely just me being an idiot. If I could tell her anything I would just want her to know that at least.

  4. My ex broke up with me for no reason. All he said he wasn’t happy. But just the other day was loving up on me… now he can’t be near me? Kicks me out. Turns my world upside down.

    Many many months after…. he came crawling back. By then, my tears stopped, and I didn’t want him in my world.

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