(I may be on the spectrum and am looking into therapy)

I just feel like anything from casual interactions, small talk, talking at bars or parties, deepening conversations and connections, making jokes and light of topics, thinking of things to ask and maintaining curiosity about people, etc the list goes on.

Maybe because I’m not practiced and am introverted. But it still shouldn’t feel this uncomfortable and difficult.

Anyone know how I can learn from home? Maybe Youtube videos or therapists I can follow etc?

  1. Gotta just go out and practice. The only way you will gain confidence in yourself is to experience it in action. Confidence builds with each experience and connection you create, not by sitting at home pretending.

  2. If you got exposed to it day in and day out in your family who is also socially inclined from when you are a baby, you would have picked it up naturally too.

    Unfortunately if you grew up neglected, in a house with language barriers, or in a quiet or socially disinclined family, it will be harder because you would only talk to your friends at school, if you have any and when you see them, whereas these people would be talking to people literally all the time whether they think to or not.

  3. Do you have a lot of interests? Hobbies? Worldly experience? Have you traveled to many countries, interesting restaurants, foods?

    The more of life you experience the better you can relate to people when they talk about themselves and you can use your experience to formulate better questions and share stories because you’ve actually done something similar to what they are currently talking about in conversations and can relate.

    But if you’re just at home watching Netflix it’s gonna take a beating on your social skills. Sure you can ask questions about a topic you’ve never partaken in but it’ll be quite the stretch to have a deeper conversation with someone.

  4. because they had an easy time growing up. not getting bullied, sidelined by people – these circumstances generate alot of internal conflict that make u question ur self and your personality, and in the end you’re forced to shell up and not interact since people prefer you that way.

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