So this girl he cheated with used to be my friend. And to stop stalking her social media I have blocked her everywhere. But somehow I accidentally saw a picture that she lives abroad now and seems to be living her best life. It is one of my goals to also live abroad, so that could be why I feel so envious. But I hate this feeling I have had for almost a year and I want to get over it and just simply not care.

TLDR So how can I stop feeling envious or in competition with the girl my ex cheated with?

  1. I feel like you’re in the headspace of “he cheated because there’s something about me that wasn’t good enough” when you should be thinking “he cheated because he’s a shitass and I deserve better so I’m gonna live my life.”

  2. The only way to stop feeling envious is to have your own exciting experiences, that’s all. Go out there and have fun, meet people and you’ll stop caring about what your ex does or doesn’t.

  3. Go live a better life! Work towards the things you want to achieve. It sounds easier than done of course but it’s the only way to go about it. Go live your dreams, level up so high, no one can touch you. Be happy!

  4. Thing to remember is that happy people don’t what she did.

    You say she was your friend. Still she came in and took equal part (to your ex) in pissing all over your relationship.

    She’s still the same person who’s capable of doing that to someone.

    She’s not in a better place than you and besides you can’t tell in the slightest what her life looks like from a pic she posted.

    It’s not easy to ignore this shit, I know. But the best thing you can do is live YOUR best life. Focus on your own goals.

  5. Hello,

    So this girl who is living abroad, is she living in the same country, or the exact same location you want to live? (Don’t say what location)

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