How do you deal with pent up aggression?

  1. Oh well, it is repressed so I don’t. Only joking. Counseling, running, hiking, gym and video games.

  2. I used to walk up this really steep hill in my old village years ago and I always found it was great at helping me feel better. I’m living in a small city now and there is nowhere nice to walk.

  3. Yard work.

    Sometimes, when I feel like I am being pulled in every direction except one that I want to go, I go in my yard and I pull weeds and map lines and mow the grass and repot plants. I see immediate progress, I feel like I am getting it done, I am getting exercise AND vitamin D and, absolutely no one will follow me out there to do it, so I also get quiet me time.


    When I get super pissed I go jogging, I run at a million miles an hour like a crazy person until I calm down

    Works every time.

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