Recently probably within the past 2 months my girlfriend orgasms when I just hold my pecker inside her for a few seconds. I’m not huge tbh just around 6 inches. This doesn’t happen every time we fuck just every now and then. Really curious if this has happened to other women and if so is it an emotional thing?

  1. I’m not an expert by any means. It could be a mental fantasy thing especially how they’re already aroused and I’m assuming you’ve given a decent amount of pumps already. Physically though, when the vagina is already in the motion of penetration and you just stop, the vagina is still tightening/conforming around the shape of your dick. This is pleasurable in itself along with the fact that even Micro movements with your dick (I.e you think you’re not moving all that much but even slightest movement to the left or right) is still affecting her. I’ve noticed for some women, when you’re erect and you want to pull out, you have to do it slowly because for them pulling out too quick may hurt them. The same logic applies for the micro movements.

  2. Happened to me. For me it’s that less is more when it comes to friction. So the pressure is enough.

  3. That makes sense as well, I’ve noticed when I go slow and kiss her while I suck on her tits she cums.

  4. It’s always happened to me. Never been huge O’s, but the “full stop” has always been a thing for me.

  5. Honestly you’re lucky my girl won’t even let me get near her pussy , but other pretty ladies do so fuck it

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