What’s your escape from feeling too much?

  1. Going on a long hike and listening to either a podcast or some heavy metal. If that doesn’t work, I’ll do some weight lifting.

  2. listening to a comedy or educational podcast! then i dont have to think, i can just listen and laugh

  3. Paint by numbers. You can get some pretty intricate ones on Amazon. You have just enough to focus on so that you can zone out.

  4. Half an edible and solo hike does me nicely 👌🏼 not enough to hear colors, but just enough to be a bit euphoric and keep my body moving

  5. That’s when I attack my pile of mending to do it all by hand. Hand stitching is mindlessly repetitive but does require attention to detail, just exactly the kind of “walking meditation” I need in those moments.

    Otherwise I tend to machine sew.

  6. Driving and thinking ab what to do or what I can make of the situation. As a writer I prefer to write something or think of what to write next. As pain contributes to a real good story from my person experience

  7. Write down a list if I’m feeling anxious to do later, mentally crash, and then watch hulu or youtube. And figure out what is behind the stress and how to go about it in a non-stressful way.

  8. Listen to music with headphones on while: working out, long walk in nature, or blasting through all my house chores

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