I just tried setting up Tinder and every picture was a woman in a bikini. After swiping left a lot, it dawned on me that this is not what I want. I wasn’t like this some months ago though.

Why have I suddenly lost interest in chasing love or better why am I not interested in seeing bikini pictures and sending messages to women? A partial explanation is that I’m too tired of wasting time. What’s going on?

  1. Because it’s a huge fucking waste of time. I installed it too earlier this year and lasted less than five minutes. Most were in bikinis, butts facing the camera. Who the fuck wants a relationship with any of these women. And the time you have to invest to get a coherent conversation from most of them. Hard pass.

    There are quality women out there. Tinder isn’t the place to find them.

  2. My brother in christ, half of those accounts were probably bot accounts. Also if you’re “chasing love” on Tinder, you’re in the wrong place..Tinder is for clapping cheeks.

  3. Try other platforms. Online dating isn’t for me because I’m awkward and don’t translate well on first/blind dates with my lack of filter but i have found more grounded matches on hinge, for instance

  4. Better yet why are you asking strangers on the internet who have no idea who you are, context of your situation or what you’re feeling for understanding of what you’re feeling. You know why. You’re just seeking validation. You don’t need people to tell you it’s ok to feel a certain way. Trust in yourself.

  5. Online dating in general has a bad rap for being notoriously “hookup fwb ons dtf” and I agree with you OP the culture and that shit sucks.

  6. Dating apps are closer to pornography and virtual relationships than they are to actual dating. Go to a singles bar or something- see if you have the same result.

  7. Maybe that’s a good sign to focus on something else, or yourself, don’t try to force anything and let things happen

  8. Watch a channel on YouTube called Fluid Social.

    Gaining the ability to politely introduce yourself to people you find attractive while going about your day is one of the most valuable skills you can have, and it negates the need for dating apps

  9. Okay so let me share my perspective on something . Based on my personal experiences most women want attention and not actual dates when they go on Tinder. I have had many failed conversations and only hung out with one woman once , from Tinder . It is a huge waste of time

  10. I recommend bumble. I don’t know what it’s like for men, but as a woman, I felt better knowing I was in control of the situation and DEFINITELY saw a noticeable difference between the guys on bumble and the guys on tinder. Sounds like maybe you’d prefer the woman reaching out? I don’t know if the general type of woman changes like the type of man did but it might be worth a shot

    In my experience tinder was a lot of guys wanting hookups and bumble was more people who actually wanted relationships. This was a year ago though as I did find my partner on bumble lol

    Edit to add: those are the only two apps I have tried so I don’t know about the others

  11. Could also be low testosterone levels from you not sleeping well, or not getting as much sunlight as before. Lots of things can impact libido (including more psychological things like you’re tired of online dating).

  12. I find myself downloading these dating apps only to have no luck then delete them. Enormous waste of time

  13. Girls who post thirst traps are so common nowadays. I think most men have been desensitized to it. And nobody considers them relationship material, except for simps who are essentially basement dwellers.

  14. Have you ever considered maybe you’re ace or on the ace scale? There’s definitely no saying you are just because you aren’t attracted to bikini pics but, if you’ve never thought about it maybe it wouldn’t hurt to look into?

  15. I believe it’s called growing up, reaching a more mature level. It’s not just all about the bikini bodies you need more to go with that.

  16. Fuck. Asking strangers about whats going on in your mind.. lol

    Are you that clueless and out of touch with your feelings. With your mindset.

    Just because you can ask dumb questions doesn’t mean you should.

    Time to find out who u are and whats going on inside your brain.

    Ask a thousand people and get a thousand different answers. Hows that gonna help???

    Good luck

  17. Quality over quantity I guess, you maybe want a emotional connection yet your seeing women that are fixated on the superficial but I would say remember women are judged of the physical so they think this is what us guys want…give the lady’s the same chance to surprise you and write a thoughtful bio so that those who are looking for a man with substance…that you catch their hearts with your words!


  18. Sorry to tell you this, but tinder only became a dating app about 6, 7 or so years ago. It started off as a hook up app. Lots of people of both genders still use it as such.
    It’s not the best example of a dating app.

  19. Why are you not interested anymore?

    Or; why are you not interested in creating connections with people merely fishing for _the seccs_?

    Just be open to meeting people in real life. Maybe install bumble. I don’t know if it’s an international app but it’s popular where I’m from. Girls have to be the first to open the conversation and I’ve heard a lot of success stories coming from that app.

  20. You clearly want emotional connection as opposed to just sexual connection so bikini pics don’t really mean anything to you

  21. Perhaps you want a relationship. Thus all women who don’t fit your aim, are seen as irrelevant at best, and obstacles at worst.

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