
so we met about 18 months ago (lets call Sandy) and had amazing level of chemistry, we continued to bump into each other at mutual friends parties and outings etc, and in December of last year I finally asked her to start dating. she told me while she liked me it wouldn’t work cause we are different ethnicity and religions and her family would never approve (we are both non western asians, both have strong familial ties, although neither of us is particularly religious or expecting the other to convert)

anyway we did continue to text and meet up and had few make out sessions but stopped short of sex, we would do phone calls on a weekly basis and talk for 4-5 hours at a time talking about the difficulties we would face in getting married, her parents not approving so forth.

then in April she broke it off, saying while her feeling were strong she couldn’t see it lasting long term. I was devastated, but as a way to get over it I dated another girl (lets call her Jane), we hit it off but all the time I was thinking of Sandy. I bumped into Sandy in mid July and told her I still had strong feelings for her and I was now dating someone else but I was in love with her. Sandy started crying and we embraced, we had to go our separate ways and said we would talk later. I broke it off with Jane immediately as its not fair on her that I have strong feelings for Sandy.

Me and Sandy then again started slowly texting and had a few phone calls, we didn’t really discuss the romantic situation, but talked about the few months we were apart, she did admit feelings were still there, but so where her concerns about the long term prospects. I found out she was going on overseas holidays for 6 weeks in August and coming back in mid September. Throughout the last 4-5 weeks we have just been doing short messages and keeping each other updated. We agreed we would have a sit down on her return in couple weeks time and hash things out.

So now shes coming back in about 10 days time and we have set a day to meet up, but I honestly don’t know where it is headed, the same problems that forced us apart are still there, the chemistry between us is still amazing an. Just trying to get external non biased opinions on how I should proceed, I really think Im in love with her, but she is unwilling to go against her family.

tl;dr complex mess involving, family,religion ,culture differences, we break up we semi make up not sure what to do.

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