This is a quote I heard and it seems to me to be somewhat true, though my experience isn’t very vast or anything.

The same person also said that romantic/sexual attraction has to be developed fairly quickly, or the girl will sort you into the friend category even if she finds you attractive.

Thoughts on this?

  1. In some cases it’s probably true

    But to say it’s a general rule of thumb, is highly inaccurate. I’ve met and dated many girls and let me tell you…they are a very varied species

    Don’t overthink these type of things. Just be your natural self, and be polite to women, and you’ll attract the right one

    This whole thing of behaving a certain way at a particular time to trick her into falling for you…. is unnecessarily complicated. You’ll only end up attracting the wrong type of girl and the relationship will end soon after.

  2. Tbh I’d say guys do this too, albeit with different categories. Some potential ones being, “friend, but would bang”, “friend, would not bang for certain reasons”, and “friend, but would date”. So yes, fairly agreed.

    Best way to end up as a potential partner is to express interest. Ask them out. Hit on them. Etc.

  3. Let her have an accidental peek at your 8-figure savings account, partner will become preferred over friend category 9 times out of 10.

  4. Disagree. One of the best relationships i had was with someone who was my friend, then best friend, then girlfriend. She moved away closer to her kids and got an amazing job she couldnt pass up. Still says we’d be together if she didnt move. Maybe, but then i wouldnt have had the last relationship i had. It was soul shattering, but i wouldnt trade either relationship for anything in the world. I grew so much from both… so yeah, i disagree lol

  5. As a guy, I have categories as well. But they aren’t even remotely in stone. More so just lines on the ground.

    Simply showing interest in me can very easily bump you into a different category, and being a shallow person can just as easily move you too.

    This goes for friends too. I have had very good friends that I no longer talk too because they tried to doormat me (only talk to me when it suits them or their other friends don’t have time for them) or they started to become toxic.

    I have one friend who is currently being phased into a section where I don’t talk to him even though up until now, we had been friends for 5-6 years. It will always sadden me to see a friend go, but such is life I guess.

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