How does your life change if you wake up tomorrow 4 inches taller?

  1. I’d have to adjust my shower head and be mindful of ducking when entering areas that I normally have no issues with.

  2. I would absolutely hate it as I am already tall enough to experience more discomfort than comfort. Being nearly 2 metres tall would mean that I would have to change my bed, desk, chairs, lift all the sinks in the house to a more comfortable height which would cause discomfort for everyone else, replace all of my clothes etc. There would be zero benefits as I would struggle even more with lack of leg space, hitting my head against all kids of stuff, not being able to find suitable clothing, bending down even more to hug and kiss people etc.

  3. I’d be ecstatic cause I’ll finally be over 1.6m, which happens to be a childhood wish of mine! And of course it doesn’t hurt to look lankier

  4. Moving up to 6 9 is problematic territory and I’m too old to get into basketball or wrestling.

  5. Some weird looks from friends but otherwise I don’t think going from 5’10 to 6’2 changes that much for me.

  6. Well I have dwarfism and I’m 4’0”, I would suddenly be 4’4”.

    My first thought was that nothing would change. I’m still an “abnormal” height and still a dwarf and all the societal implications that come with that. But tbh there’s a lot of things I’m on the threshold of reaching that 4” would actually make a big difference with. I could comfortably reach more entry buzzers, lift buttons. Carrying bulky things would be easier, stairs would be slightly less gruelling to climb up, furniture would be easier to get onto. Not by a huge amount but in a lot of every day aspects of my life that it would be pretty great.

  7. Straight to tinder to update to that magic over 6ft tall so I can wait for the flood of women who say 5,10 is too short. /s

  8. Honestly would be annoyed. I have a quite expensive clothing collection amd all of them would be too small for me then

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