I (23F) moved to a new city for school. I decided that I should learn to roll joints. I went to the dispensary and this cute guy was at the register.

I told him I needed rolling paper because I need to learn to roll. He told me that he could teach me. He showed be the basics (without the actual weed) then told me that he wished he could show me more but he can’t because he’s working, and he’s getting off at 5. I didn’t really took this as an invitation in the moment… Part of the reason was because I didn’t know what time it was, so I thought it was nowhere near 5. But when I left I noticed it was like 4:55… And I thought it was too cringy to wait for him outside.

As I left, he said “we’ll propably see each other again if you buy your weed here”

When I got home, I rolled like 10 joints. What I’m thinking for my next move is: I go back and show him my best one, give him my phone number and say that we could smoke it together if he wants.

What do you think

  1. I think that’s pretty smooth! Especially since he initiated the first move so you going back wouldn’t really come off as weird but kind of cute and that you were thinking of him!

  2. Go for it 🙂 just make sure you’re in a safe space when you’re w him and figure out what your game plan is here. Since you’re meeting him for the first time make sure it’s not at either of your places until you get to know him better and can trust him too ofc. Best of luck to you! Hope it goes well 🙂

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