So there’s this really cute girl in my class, who i really want to ask out, I’ve talked to her only once cause she’s a bit popular and I get intimidated by that, now don’t ask me to become friend’s with her and all that because inn my case it doesn’t work, cause if become friends then i’ll not want to ruin the friendship by askng her out.

I have made up my mind that I really wanna ask her out, but the problem is every time I muster courage to go up to her she’s either surrounded by friend’s or busy doing some work, and asking her out just feels really unreal, like my mind keep’s telling me don’t do it, it’s not worth it, maybe if she have a boyfriend, what if she rejects you and the whole college find’s out.

I’m just not able to get enough confindence to just go up to her or call her to me and say “Hey! I this you have a really cute smile, Would you maybe like to hangout sometime?” Just this, why is so hard man, why does this feel so unreal, why does my brain keep stopping me, please help me out!!!

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