Looking for some if I could go back and do it again type of advice from guys with more experience than me.

Should I move home and save for a down payment for an apartment or stay in the city and keep my social life?

I am coming to end of my apartment lease in nyc,got a pretty great rent price last year which isn’t increasing so I’m still saving a decent amount of money to invest 401k etc. Before I moved here I moved back with my parents after school and had zero friends, social life, hated my surroundings and was overall pretty miserable.

Moving home to the suburbs I’d be giving up all essentially all of my social life but wouldn’t have to commute since I wfh. I would do it for a year or two in hopes of saving for a down payment on a condo/apartment in the future. Also, a bit worried about the economy in the next year, my company is going through layoffs but I have enough saved to get me through any potential unemployment.

*** Also have no debt right now

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