Yesterday was our 28th wedding anniversary.

The day before, our 31st first date.

We spent the day visiting our daughter and her soon to be husband at his parents home in the country. We did some target shooting and had dinner. My daughter lives 5 hours away right now (still in school) and we visit frequently.

I’ve had a good life. Yesterday thanked her for that and said my life turned out soo much more than I thought it would mostly due to her. Sang her a few love songs on the ride up..

It wasn’t always peachy, we both did our share of effing up and hanging in there.

It’s hard to believe she’s been a part of my life for over half of it. We raised two good strong smart kids that will and do stand on their own, they are still close to us and we spend time together. I golf with my son most Fridays. He and his friends are helping us move to a new place not far away in a few weeks.

It’s just a time to look to the past and present and count all my blessings. Life wasn’t perfect but it was close enough. I feel closer to my wife than ever. There really is a beauty in knowing someone that long and that well sometimes. Knowing their strengths and flaws and accepting, loving them for just who they are. She’s my best friend at this point.

  1. I love this post. This is so lovely.

    Loving someone and having your life enriched by them is something special. Having someone in your life that you can fully accept and they you, makes people richer than they know.

    Happy (belated) anniversary! Cheers to more wonderful years together.

  2. I feel the same about my husband we were divorcing prior to Covid but due to jobs losses and relocating we decided to ride out the pandemic together. I’m so glad we did. We recomciled and I could never love anyome like I love him. We are the truest definition of partners and equals. He makes me a better person, we lift each other up. It’s great.

    Super glad for you. I don’t think true love occurs before year 15.

  3. It is the lines from movies you both have seen that you repeat to each other, it is family in-jokes, and shared stories about your kids. It is hanging in there when your kids are little and life feels overwhelming. It is the long nights of worry, it is the pain of losing a parent, it is the pride watching your kids thrive and thinking maybe you both did ok. It is working through the times when marriage felt hard and you didn’t like your partner much. It is the dumb fights, the poorly worded comments, the moments of pure magic, the heat, the warmth and passion and the mundane. All of this and from one long time married to another, enjoy the moment and love this life.

  4. This is really wonderful to hear. We’re basically the same way. We met 41 years ago and we’ve been married for 39 years. Yesterday I went with our youngest to pick out her wedding dress, and it was just a really wonderful day.

  5. Out of curiosity, was there ever a point that you two split for any period of time during the “effing up” phases? Or has it been 31 years consistently with no breaks between?

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