He’s told me he’ll stop but everyday he brings home more and wasting more money I’ve told him I won’t raise kids around smoking or alcohol it hurts he obviously doesn’t care and I’ve wanted kids for a while but I just refuse to have them submitted to health problems or the impression to start am I being too harsh

Edit: He’s not a bad person either I love him and he treats me right but I grew up around smoking and drinking and for me it’s just something that a child should grow up around

  1. My dad told my step mom he would quit 21 years ago and still lights the new cigarette with the last one. If you want kids divorce him and find someone else because it very well may never happen.

  2. When I single, I wouldn’t even date anyone who smoke.

    My lungs are all screwed up from my step fathers constant smoking, so I 100% agree he should stop before having kids

    That said, you married him knowing he was a smoker. You knew going in this world be very difficult.

  3. Not too harsh. I know I’m gonna get lambasted for this, but anyway….

    Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances on earth. So what you are asking is necessary, but not easy. But, would you accept vaping instead? It is a lot cheaper and an awful lot safer. I appreciate the media attention is different in different countries on this. Here in the UK it is actively promoted by our health service and is now fully regulated so the liquids which contained harmful chemicals are banned and have been for some time.

  4. Just to warn you he may start up again at any time if he does quit.

    My parents quit smoking for a year or two when I was very young because I was having lung issues. Once I was ok they started up again.

    The sooner he stops the better tho.

  5. Just accept that this means you might never have children with him. You nagging will not make him stop. So either do not have children with him or find someone else to have children with.

  6. My dad smoked his entire life. When I was 10 I found his body. He was 46. He died suddenly in his sleep because he wouldn’t stop smoking. Don’t let your kids go through what I did. You’re doing the right thing.

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