My friend group has always dabbled with smoking weed (me included occasionally) but after a while I decided to quit. I in no way expected my friends to quit as well of course, however, since the start of the semester I’ve noticed my friends drug use increasing from 2-3 times a week to a daily (sometimes multiple times a day) occasion. Stoners in college is no big surprise and we’re all adults so no judgement here, it’s just I’ve started to feel uncomfortable being around them. I was raised in a household with an addict who used frequently and suddenly. Unfortunately, I’m starting to feel the same dread when one of my friends whips out a vape suddenly for a few puffs.

So far I’ve handled the situation by just hanging around them less but they’ve begun to notice that and I feel bad for avoiding my friends… I’d feel bad explaining the situation to them tho because I don’t want them to feel bad for engaging in (imo) normal college student behavior. I’m not sure what I should do…

TLDR: my (F20) friends have started smoking weed more often and it’s triggering memories of being raised by an addict…not sure what to do

  1. Dang, so your “friends” not willing to respect something you decided to do for xyz reason, & maybe not always smoke around u. Before & after u guys link up. Yeah for sure np. Gotta be some kind of common ground, compromise, communication, especially since u said they’ve began to notice ur distance.

  2. First off. It’s weed. Not heroin. I don’t know what country you’re from but regardless, you’re 20 years old, those friends most likely won’t last anyways because you’re about to change so much over the next decade this moment will barely be on your memory bank. Focus on yourself, don’t focus on others, they will do what they want to do, and don’t look down on anyone for making their own decisions just be there for friends who reach out for help.

    Btw, depending on the person weed might help them more than it hurts, some people suck at smoking weed, some people are better if they have it

  3. The way to address this is find new friends. Don’t engage in this if you don’t feel comfortable. Don’t get sucked in just because they are “friends”. No need to explain, it’s your life.

  4. Bottom line, you may want different things than your friends. It’s possible they are developing a dependence, but they may or may not listen if you voice concern. Maybe distance yourself and find some other friends? I’m not saying you have to stop being friends, but you’ve obviously stopped doing those things, so unless you have other things in common, you may not be as close. Only you can make the decision to stay friends with them or stop. In many places, pot is still illegal and if in their presence when they get busted, you could end up with a record as well. That would really suck! Best of luck.

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