Maybe they told you in a heated argument, or you found out from other people that this was a reason they had for breaking up, etc.

  1. She always complained my penis was too big and hard, and that I was too attentive as a lover. She wanted me to give her the half-hearted limp dick that she got from other men, but my honor would not allow it.

    No, I will continue alone in this world with my massive rock hard cock, and masterful cunnilingus before I compromise my integrity for the sake of an ex.

  2. She’s the most stubborn chick I ever met, so logically she thought it would be fun to pair up with me, me being the most stubborn guy she ever met. That didn’t turn out too well.

  3. That I would rather spend some time on myself occasionally than stay stuck up her ass 24/7. It’s not like I was going to bars or clubs getting drunk, I was going to the river/lake and fishing to clear my head.

  4. My ex wife resented my existence. She didn’t wish nice things for me in fear it would disturb her existence.

  5. I’ve always thought i put others first in most situations, like if someone is struggling at work, i dont mind staying to help a bit, holding doors open, stuff like that

    Seems I put myself first more in her eyes, I dont consider her feelings etc

    We were long distance, the times I was horny didnt always match to her, the topics we spoke about were also I, Me, My etc.. even though I included her or asked her first, but I think it was more a culture difference I didnt consider as her native language doesnt use I/Me as often as English

    I also had a habit of comparing to ” us ” or to our past experiences with stuff.. ” that sushi restaurant was great right?, yeah but it wasnt as nice as the one we went to in Japan ”

    Ive sort of shyed away from talking about my day unless someone asks at this point

  6. My ex resented that i cared about her…like literally she never had a healthy relationship with anyone in her family & friends also had childhood trauma so that’s made her to self sabotage our relationship

  7. An ex-bf fucked me over so one day and ended things between us. After 3 months of me feeling suicidal, he comes back, all sad, saying he had missed me and after not being able to vent to me, he was feeling anxious again. He said he was suixidal and I though “bru fu screw that” and told him I “hope you sleep well tonigh knowing you made my life miserable for the past 5 months, and drove me to being suicidal. I hope knowing how shitty you are makes you feel better”.

    A few months later I found out he tells people he is “traumatized of red-heads because of me”. Was I harsh? Yea, an asshole even, but I don’t regret a drop.

  8. that i was the better person, who never lied or cheated like she did. I think she hated me because since i was a better person she couldn’t use me to blame for the relationship falling through

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